The rules

On condition of using the skatepark you must abide by the following:

Safety Equipment and Helmets

·        Helmets are compulsory for under 16’s and must be worn at all times when using the skatepark for activities.

·        Helmets are recommended for use by over 16’s when using the skatepark for activities.

·        Redditch Wheels Project recommends knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards and gloves to be worn to reduce bodily injury.  

·        You ask can staff for a helmet and pads to loan if you do not have them and they are subject to availability.

Your Equipment

·        You are responsible for and will make sure your equipment is in good safe working order before using the skatepark.

Conduct and Behaviour

·        Ensure your conduct is respectful and promotes a positive environment.

·        Co-operate with skatepark staff and abide by their recommendations and instructions.

·        Do not take into the skatepark alcohol or any illegal substances.

·        Do not use and or trade illegal substances in or around the skatepark.

·        Do not use the skatepark under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances.

·        Do not use the skatepark for any illegal activity.

·        Do not use the skatepark while it is closed or unsupervised..

·        Do not use the skatepark or ramps if it is wet, Icy or in an unsafe condition and report this to a supervisor.

·        Do not commit any deliberate act that may put yourself and or anyone else at risk of injury or death.

·        Only use the skatepark after paying the fee that is set by Redditch Wheels Project.

·        Do not wilfully damage the skatepark, which includes ramps, fence, surface and ancillary equipment.

·        You may be asked to leave the facility for a time set by Redditch Wheels Project if the staff deem you are not meeting reasonable standards of behaviour, intoxicated by drink or drugs, suspect you are in possession of drugs, taking part in criminal activity or for safety reasons and no monies will be refunded.


·        If in doubt or unsure, need help or advice ask the Skatepark Staff.

·        If you are a beginner or novice seek advice from the staff and ride within your ability building up slowly.

·        Be responsible for looking after your own belongings and take care of them.

·        All persons using the facilities under the age of 13 years must be accompanied by an adult.

·        Obey individual ramp and course rules.

·        You must complete and sign a consent form before taking part and if under 16 you must have it signed by a parent or guardian.

·        You accept activities and spectating are dangerous and can result in death and or bodily injury.

·        You accept the risks involved and are responsible for your own actions and or involvement at the facility and do so at your own risk.

·        If it’s your first time you must be given a safety briefing.

·        Use the facility only if you feel you are competent enough to do so.

·        Make the staff aware of any medical conditions such as diabetes or asthma and or others.

·        Activities are not recommended for persons who have heart, back or neck conditions or who are pregnant, if you suffer from any illness or health problems you must consult your doctor before participating. 

·        Redditch Wheels Project may change its policies, rules and fees from time to time.

Safety Briefing

·        If you are new to riding the park ride around the ramps and courses to get used to them.

·        If you are inexperienced ride a quieter or appropriate area to match and   develop your skill level.

·        Staff are here to help If you are inexperienced or unsure or have any problems ask advice from ramp park staff.

·        If you have had an accident or have seen one happen report it to a supervisor immediately if you can for first aid and accident recording.

·        Respect each other’s lines around the courses.

·        Obey individual ramp and course rules.

Photography and Filming

·        Your photograph and film of you may to appear on T.V, Internet, social media magazines, newspaper, and any other publication.

·        Photographers and filmers must obey our photography and filming policy in line with our safeguarding policy and consult staff beforehand.